Co-Founders and Executive Directors

Our executive directors guide the vision and values behind GISI, and they provide support and strategic guidance to our family of companies. Their experience and reputation in the industry is unparalleled. They are committed to long-term private ownership, the preservation of company legacies with the opportunity for their leadership to gain value, not just at the time of the merger but together with GISI in the future.

Rick Newman

Chairman & CEO

John Dionisio

Executive Vice-Chairman

Jeff Kissel

Executive Vice-Chairman

Dick Newman

Executive Vice-Chairman

Tony Shum

Independent Director & Chairman GISI Asia

Executive Leadership

Leveraging decades of multi-disciplinary industry experience, executive leadership team focuses on how GISI can best serve our clients and communities through building a global family of businesses positioned for sustained growth. The team sets our broadest strategic vision, manages our conservative capital strategies, implements our acquisitive growth strategies, develops our employee ownership opportunities, and serves as a catalyst to assist our partners in accomplishing their strategic growth objectives. We do this in part by bringing our businesses together to drive synergistic growth, take advantage of best practices, and provide opportunity for professional and personal development.

Rick Newman

Chairman & CEO

Derek Amidon

Chief Operating Officer, GISI &
CEO, GISI Consulting Group

Rod Musser

Chief Administrative Officer

Rich Lee

Chief Financial Officer

Eric Chen

Executive Vice President, Interim General Counsel & Corporate Secretary

Management Team

John Dionisio Jr.

Managing Director

Melinda Ellsworth

Senior Vice President, Corporate Communications

Brian J. Fields

Chief Compliance Counsel and Senior Vice President, Enterprise Risk Management

Claudia Flores

Vice President

Dan McQuade

Managing Director

Robert Sterzenbach

Managing Director, GISI & Chief Financial Officer and Chief Administrative Officer, GISI Consulting Group

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